Economic Impact of Transportation

89.2% of S.D. Intrastate Freight Moves by Truck


Source: Shipments Within, Outbound, and Inbound U.S. States - Value by Commodity: 2020
Data from the Freight Analysis Framework Version 5.2, including projections
Unit of measure is million tons

Outbound: Outbound flow from South Dakota to all other states (not including Within)
Inbound: Inbound flow all other states to South Dakota (not including Within)

$29.2 Billion in Freight Outbound from S.D. in ‘20

Source: Shipments Within, Outbound, and Inbound U.S. States - Value by Commodity: 2020
Data from the Freight Analysis Framework Version 5.2, including projections
Unit of measure is million U.S. dollars (2017 constant $)

Outbound: Outbound flow from South Dakota to all other states (not including Within)
Inbound: Inbound flow all other states to South Dakota (not including Within)

Bigger Crop Yields, Bigger Impact on Roads


Bushels of corn harvested in South Dakota, in millions

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Upper Plains Highest in Truck Through-Traffic

2020 Domestic Flows by Truck - All Commodities - South Dakota excluded from Origin-Destination.
Source from the Freight Analysis Framework Version 5.2.