General Information
A Message from the Secretary
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has always prided itself on being customer-driven. In fact, one of our core values in our strategic plan is to provide Transparent Public Service - including providing unprecedented access to information and decision-making processes. Information is not only important to you, our customers, but it is also a key component of SDDOT as we strive to be efficient and effective in using the taxpayer's funds for maintaining and enhancing the state’s transportation system. To maximize your investment, we gather and analyze an immense amount of data. For example, bridge and pavement condition data determines which construction and maintenance projects are scheduled in the annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. |
Our snowplows and other equipment are managed to ensure they’re operational during winter-weather events and emergencies, and older equipment is replaced as it becomes less reliable and more expensive to maintain. Finally, we regularly get feedback from you on what your priorities are for spending state and federal transportation revenues. This feedback comes to us through customer satisfaction surveys.
Data also provides reliable information to us as we track our performance and helps forecast where enhancements need to occur to improve our transportation system in South Dakota: growth in passenger and truck traffic, increasing crop yields that make low-cost rail transportation even more vital, and decreases in crashes, injuries, and deaths following safety treatments on our highways with the use of rumble stripe, shoulder-widening, and high-friction surface projects throughout the state.
We hope this fact book provides you with valuable information on SDDOT and the data we use on a daily basis to make informed decisions for investing in the many modes of transportation in South Dakota. If you would like more information, please contact
Joel Jundt
Secretary of Transportation
SDDOT Phone Numbers
Aberdeen Region (605) 626-2244
Aberdeen Area Office (605) 626-7885
Huron Area Office (605) 353-7140
Watertown Area (605) 882-5166
Mitchell Region (605) 995-8129
Sioux Falls Area (605) 367-5680
Mitchell Area (605) 995-8120
Yankton Area (605) 668-2929
Pierre Region (605) 773-3464
Central Office Pierre (605) 773-3265
Pierre Area (605) 773-5294
Mobridge Area (605) 845-3844
Winner Area (605) 842-0810
Rapid City Region (605) 394-2244
Rapid City Area (605) 394-2248
Belle Fourche Area (605) 892-2872
Custer Area (605) 673-4948
Table of Contents
General Information
Transportation Secretary's Message
Table of Contents
Mission and Vision and Core Values
Organization Chart
Management Contacts
Map of SDDOT Regions, Areas, and Maintenance Shops
Transportation Commission
Railroad Board and Railroad Authority
Aeronautics Authority
Participate in Transportation Decisions
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
Highway Fatalities by Year
Fatal Crashes by System
Seat Belt Use in South Dakota
State Budget for Transportation
Federal, State Funds in SDDOT Budget
Highway Construction Costing More
State Highway Fund Revenue Sources
South Dakota Average Annual Federal Formula Funds
Per-Mile Costs of Road Improvements
State Motor Fuel Tax Revenue
State Motor Vehicle 4% Excise Tax Revenue
Motor Fuel Taxes and Fees in the Neighboring States
Selected Gas Tax Statistics
Per-Mile Costs of Winter Maintenance
Winter Material and Total Maintenance Costs
Roadside Maintenance Costs
Pavement, Bridge Maintenance Costs
Interstate Maintenance Totals Per Mile
State Highway Maintenance Totals Per Mile
Highway System Statistics
Highway System Definitions
State Highway Surface Condition Index and Goals
Percentage of System Improved by Year
Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor Asphalt Concrete Roads
The Majority of Roads in South Dakota Are Local
The State System Carries Most of the Traffic
State System Carries Most Heavy-Truck Traffic
Vehicle Miles Traveled, State Highway System
Most State Highways Are Asphalt Concrete
Age of Asphalt Concrete Pavements on State System
Age of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements on State System
Most Local Roads Are Gravel
More Vehicles Are Using State Highways
Economic Impact of Transportation
Majority of South Dakota Intrastate Freight Moves by Truck
Freight Outbound from South Dakota
Bigger Crop Yields, Bigger Impact on Roads
Upper Plains Highest in Truck Through-Traffic
Age of State System Bridges
SDDOT Maintains 1,819 Bridges
Air, Rail, and Transit
Map of S.D. Communities Served by Rural Transit Providers
Rural and Urban Transit Providers
South Dakota Public Transit Ridership
Federal, State, Local Transit Funds
Map of Bicycle Friendly Routes in South Dakota
Aviation Adds Millions to the South Dakota Economy
Airport Improvement Funding in South Dakota
South Dakota Airport Map
South Dakota Rail System
Map of S.D. State-Owned and Privately Owned Rail Lines
South Dakota State Rail Plan
South Dakota State Rail Plan Recommended Projects Map
South Dakota Ethanol Plant and Unit Train Loading Facilities Map
Mission - Vision - Core Values
Why We Exist: To efficiently provide a safe and effective public
transportation system
What Success Looks Like: Better lives through better
transportation by being the best
Principles and Expected Behaviors that Guide our Actions and
Conduct - All employees contribute to providing a high-quality transportation
system by continuously striving to innovate and improve the quality of
High Ethical Standards
Honesty, integrity, respect, and professionalism with our internal
customers, partners, stakeholders, and the public
Innovative, efficient, and accountable use of public resources
Transparent Public Service
Exemplary trustworthy public service with unprecedented access to
information and decision-making processes
Safety in all we do
Inclusive, diverse, innovative, and supportive work culture
Initiate and implement new ideas or methods to create value
Management Contacts
Office of the Secretary
Secretary, Joel Jundt Human Resources Manager, Heidi Olson Chief Legal Counsel, Karla Engle Intelligent Transportation Systems, Dave Huft Training Coordinator, Brenda Thomas |
(605) 773-5105 (605) 773-6943 (605) 773-3574 (605) 773-3358 (605) 773-2923 |
Planning and Engineering Divison
Director, Mike Behm Administration, Joanne Hight Project Development, Mark Leiferman Road Design, Scott Rabern Bridge Design, Steve Johnson Right of Way, Joel Gengler Materials and Surfacing, Tanner Fitzke Inventory Management & Research, Thad Bauer |
(605) 773-2078 (605) 773-8149 (605) 773-3285 (605) 773-3433 (605) 773-3285 (605) 773-3746 (605) 773-3401 (605) 773-3278 |
Operations Divison
Director, Craig Smith Operations Support, Christina Bennett Internal Services, Chris Ott Region Engineers Mitchell, Travis Dressen Rapid City, Todd Seaman Pierre, Jason Humphrey Aberdeen, Mark Peterson |
(605) 773-3571 (605) 773-4391 (605) 773-3581 -------------------- (605) 367-5680 (605) 394-1620 (605) 773-3464 (605) 626-2244 |
Finance and Management Divison
Director, Kellie Beck Finance, Patricia Devitt Strategic Communications Coord. Julie Stevenson Aviation Services, Ron Hauck Air, Rail and Transit, Jack Dokken |
(605) 773-3265 (605) 773-3265 (605) 773-2898 (605) 773-3434 (605) 773-7045 |
Transportation Comission
Each year, the South Dakota Transportation Commission approves the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) which is the list of highway and bridge construction projects for the next four years. The Commission also awards construction contracts and can change speed zones on state highways. The nine members are appointed or reappointed by the Governor for four year terms.
Area 1
Don Roby, Watertown | (605) 753–5720 | Term Ends: April 2025
Lynn Jensen, Arlington | (605) 203–3333 | Term Ends: April 2025
Area 2
Chris Frick, Yankton | (605) 661-8154 | Term Ends: April 2027
Larry Nelson, Canton | (605) 987–2686 | Term Ends: April 2026
Mike Vehle, Mitchell | (605) 996–5778 | Term Ends: April 2024
Area 3
Kathy Zander, Pierre | (605) 222-0664 | Term Ends: April 2026
Austin Simons, Mobridge | (605) 850-3852 | Term Ends: April 2027
Area 4
Jaf Karim, Rapid City | (605) 721–1384 | Term Ends: April 2027
Ron Rosenboom, Sturgis | (605) 347–4467 | Term Ends: April 2024
Railroad Board and Railroad Authority
The South Dakota Railroad Board also serves as the governing members of the South Dakota Railroad Authority. The Railroad Board oversees grant approvals to the Department of Transportation in the matters of operations, management, finance, marketing, and development of the rail service over all properties and facilities acquired, leased, or controlled by the state. The Railroad Authority can acquire property and construct, maintain, and equip railroad facilities as directed by the Legislature.
The seven members are appointed by the Governor for three-year terms and can not have more than five from the same political party. At least one member, in the opinion of the Governor, shall be a person experienced in or having a favorable reputation or skill, knowledge and experience in the following fields: (1) Business management; (2) Operation of railroad service; (3) Private or public finance; (4) Marketing; (5) User of rail service; and, (6) Two members at large.
Jeff Burket
At Large, Spearfish | (605) 210–1501 | Term Ends: October 2026
Greg Carmon
Operation of Rail Service, Brandon | (605) 582–3130 | Term Ends: October 2025
Jerry Cope
At Large, A user of Rail Service, Rapid City | (605) 381–1981 | Term Ends: October 2025
Scott Lockwood
Finance, Rapid City | (307) 351–2355 | Term Ends: October 2025
Jack Nelson
Marketing, Volga | (605) 695–6800 | Term Ends: October 2023
Steve Scharnweber
Business Manager, Pierre| (605) 222–1545 | Term Ends: October 2026
Ralph Schmidt
User of Rail Service, Big Stone City | (605) 838–7444 | Term Ends: October 2025
Aeronautics Authority
The South Dakota Aeronautics Commission is comprised of seven members that are appointed or reappointed by the Governor for three-year terms. At least four of the members must have at least one year of practical experience in civil or military aeronautics. The Commission is responsible for the supervision of all civil aeronautical functions in the state as well as allocating funds for the development of a statewide system of airports.
Christopher Funk
Madison | (605) 270–9774 | Term Ends: October 2024
Robert “Bob” Huggins
Sioux Falls | (605) 354–2287 | Term Ends: October 2026
Rolf Johnson
Mina | (605) 229–3859 | Term Ends: October 2024
Kassidy Nelson
Aberdeen | (605) 695–2287 | Term Ends: October 2025
Eric Odenbach
Eureka | (605) 228–3262 | Term Ends: October 2024
Gerald “Jerry” Rieber
Watertown | (615) 880–9750 | Term Ends: October 2025
John Taylor
Sioux Falls | (605) 360–6266 | Term Ends: October 2026
Participate in Transportation Decisions
-Regular Meetings: Transportation Commission, Aeronautics Commission, Railroad Board, and Railroad Authority meetings are open to the public.
-Transportation Commission: Transportation Commission meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Becker-Hansen Building, 700 E. Broadway Ave., Pierre. Agendas and minutes are at Additional meetings are sometimes scheduled to award bids or for special issues.
-Aeronautics Commission: Aeronautics Commission meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, in the Becker-Hansen Building in Pierre. Aeronautics Commission agendas and minutes are at:
-Railroad Board, Railroad Authority: Railroad Board meetings are held every third Wednesday of each month, in the Becker-Hansen Building in Pierre. Railroad Authority meetings are rare and held as needed. Railroad Board and Authority agendas and minutes are at:
Questions about the boards or commissions? Contact the Secretary of Transportation Office at (605) 773-5105.
-Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Meetings: South Dakotans can comment on projects planned in their geographic areas at Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) meetings held in July in the four SDDOT Regions and in a live webinar. The STIP is the schedule of SDDOT construction and maintenance projects for the next four years. Go to in early summer for the STIP meeting dates.
-Project Meetings: Open-house meetings are held during the planning process of some road and bridge projects. For the schedule, go to:
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Process
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Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Modern Logic
Region & Area Offices
© 2025 State of South Dakota. All Rights Reserved.
Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Modern Logic