News Stories

S.D. rail panel reviews first-ever investment guide - Keloland News 6/16/2022

June 17, 2022
PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — The South Dakota Railroad Board got a look Wednesday at a draft version of an investment guide that it plans to start using for analyzing funding decisions. The $548,569.67 contract between HDR Engineering of Omaha, Nebraska, and the state Department of Transportation calls for a new rail plan and an investment guide. HDR project manager Catherine Dobbs described the investment guide as an internal-facing document for state government’s use that complements the outward-faci...

“511 Day” celebrates service that keeps travelers informed and safe- Dakota News Now 5/11/2022

May 12, 2022

Diamonds are a driver’s best friend - Kelo 4/10/2022

April 11, 2022
Full Article Here: Diamonds are a driver’s best friend By Don Jorgensen – April 10 (10 p.m.)   SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — We’ve already told you about two major road construction projects in South Dakota that will have a big impact on drivers. Crews have already started working on a Diverging Diamond Interchange in Rapid City and prep work has begun for one at 41st Street and Interstate 29. But those two are just the be...

How does SDDOT choose a detour? Kelo 4/4/2022

April 05, 2022
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — A detour can’t just be the shortest route around a construction zone. It’s not that easy. “It really depends on the type of job and location,” said Mark Peterson Aberdeen Region Engineer with the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT). “There are different types of detours including over-width, over-height, and over-weight detours depending on.... Continue reading the full article. 

Life Is A Highway For New DOT Engineer

January 26, 2022
read the yankton daily press & dakotan article here