Eastbound Lanes on I-90 Near Sturgis to Open for Rally Traffic - 07/26/2023

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Interstate 90 near Sturgis is still under construction, but the eastbound lanes are expected to be open for the upcoming rally traffic.

This stretch of I-90 has been under construction all summer forcing cars into two-way traffic.

But with the rally approaching workers are pushing to make sure both sides of the interstate are open.

“We’ve had over 40 days that have been impacted by the weather on that project, however, the contractor and our personnel have done very well at working extremely hard, especially the last couple of weeks since it quit raining, getting back on track again so we’re pretty much on track as to getting the road open before the rally,” Mike Carlson, Department of Transportation area engineer said.