20th Street S. Interchange Construction Project to Begin in Brookings

For Immediate Release: 
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Waylon Blasius, Project Manager, 605-692-6342
Jeff Brink, SDDOT Engineering Supervisor, 605-882-5166

BROOKINGS, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says construction is scheduled to begin on the 20th Street S. Interchange project from 22nd Avenue S. to 34th Avenue S. on Monday, March 28, 2022. The construction start date is weather dependent. During the duration of the project, 20th Street S. from 22nd Avenue S. to Chaparral Drive will be closed. Residents and visitors who frequently use 20th Street South to access the Western Estates Development are encouraged to find alternate routes. No additional adjacent roadway closures are scheduled at this time during the initial phase of construction.

Drivers should be aware that traffic will be impacted along the project material haul routes including 22nd Avenue S. from 20th Street S. to 32nd Street S.; 32nd Street S. from 22nd Avenue S. to 34th Avenue S.; and  34th Avenue S. from 20th Street S. to 32nd Street S. Loaded and empty trucks will be traveling in both directions on these roadways during the construction project.

Construction of the bridge structure is anticipated to begin on Monday, April 18, 2022.

Two-way traffic will be used in the southbound lanes on Interstate 29 from approximately two miles north of Exit 127 to south of Exit 132 while the center pier and east half of the structure is being constructed. Two-way traffic will then be used in the northbound lanes while the west half of the structure is being constructed. A speed reduction to 65 mph will be placed on 1-29 through the bridge construction area. A width restriction of 11-feet will also be in place throughout the construction zones.

The intersection of 22nd Avenue S. and 20th Street S. will be temporarily closed at a future date to allow for grading, utility installations, curb and gutter and asphalt surfacing. A detour will be provided. The contractor will be allowed 45 calendar days to complete the intersection work and reopen to traffic. A press release will be issued in advance of this work.  The prime contractor for the $15.3 million dollar project is Bowes Construction, Inc. of Brookings. Construction of the bridge structure and all grading operations are scheduled to be completed in 2022, with the surfacing and final project completion scheduled for July 14, 2023.

For further information about the project, contact Waylon Blasius, Project Manager, at 605-692-6342 or Jeff Brink, SDDOT Engineering Supervisor, at 605-882-5166. Project information is available on the SDDOT website at https://dot.sd.gov/projects-studies/construction-projects/watertown-area-projects#listItemLink_1724.

About SDDOT:

The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

For the latest on road and weather conditions, road closures, construction work zones, commercial vehicle restrictions, and traffic incidents, please visit https://sd511.org or dial 511.

Read more about the innovative work of the SDDOT at https://dot.sd.gov.
