Press Releases

2023 Spring Load Restriction – Press Release #6 (Week of April 17-21, 2023)

April 18, 2023
Spring Load Limit Restrictions will be REMOVED from the road segment(s) shown in the table below. Effective dates are included in the table.

Concrete Repair Project to Begin on U.S. Highway 281/U.S. Highway 212 in Redfield

April 18, 2023
On Thursday, April 20, 2023, the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) will begin a concrete repair project through the city of Redfield on U.S. Highway 281/U.S. Highway 212 from the south city limits north to W. 2nd Street.

SDDOT in Search of Borrow Material Providers for S.D. Highway 25 from U.S. Highway 212 North Nine Miles

April 18, 2023
In 2026, the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) plans to administer a construction project on S.D. Highway 25 from U.S. Highway 212 to a location nine miles north. The project is designed to enhance the safety and function of the roadway through grading, shoulder widening, culvert replacement, and improving sight distances.

Work Scheduled to Begin on Interstate 90 West of Vivian (Jones County)

April 14, 2023
On Monday, April 17, 2023, work is scheduled to begin in the eastbound and westbound lanes on Interstate 90 west of Vivian from mile marker 204 to 208.

Intersection Improvement Project Scheduled to Begin at Blunt Junction

April 14, 2023
On Monday, April 17, 2023, the intersection improvement construction project at the Blunt Junction (intersection of U.S. Highway 83 and U.S. Highway 14) is scheduled to begin.