Asphalt Concrete Crack Seal and Leveling

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Contact: Jim Dorfschmidt, 605.210.2212


BUFFALO, SD – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says work will begin on Highway 85 from 7 miles north of Buffalo to the North Dakota state line on Monday, April 20.  

Crews will be asphalt crack sealing and leveling on this 20-mile project. 

Traffic will be reduced to one lane during working hours and controlled with flaggers and a pilot car. Motorists can expect up to 15-minute delays, suddenly slowing and merging traffic, as well as construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane. 

The prime contractor on this project is Z & Z Seal Coating Inc. Billings, Montana. The completion date is July 31, 2020. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.  

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