Asphalt Overlay and Guardrail Replacement to Begin on U.S. Highway 14A/85 Between Deadwood and Cheyenne Crossing

For Immediate Release:  Friday, April 30, 2021

Contact: Jesse Nelson, Project Engineer, 605- 390-7978


DEADWOOD/LEAD S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says an asphalt overlay and guardrail replacement project between Deadwood and Cheyenne Crossing on U.S. Highway 14A/85 will begin on Monday, May 10, 2021.

Work includes milling the existing asphalt surface and overlaying it with new asphalt.  The existing guardrail will also be replaced at this time.

Traffic will be controlled with a pilot car through the active sections of the project as it progresses from Deadwood to Cheyenne Crossing. Travelers should expect short delays.

Simon Contractors of Rapid City is the prime contractor on the $6.1 million project. The overall completion date is July 30, 2021.

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.