Bridge Repair Project Scheduled on Interstate 29 South of Watertown

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Contact:  Tommy Lindstrom, Engineer I, 605-688-5001


WATERTOWN, S.D. – In July, a bridge repair project is scheduled to begin on Interstate 29 south of Watertown. The project includes abutment repair, reconstruction of approach slab, and resurfacing.

On Monday, July 10, 2023, the project is scheduled to begin in the southbound lane on I-29 at mile marker 159. During the bridge repair project, both northbound and southbound I-29 traffic may be impacted at the bridge location.

Motorists are asked to be aware of equipment and workers when traveling through this work zone. Lane closures will be used and the speed limit reduced to 45 mph through the work zone.

Industrial Builders, Inc., of Fargo, ND is the prime contractor on this $575,000  bridge repair project.

Weather dependent, the project is anticipated to be complete by September 2023.

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