Construction Scheduled to Begin on S.D. Highway 1806 Southeast of Fort Pierre

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, April 13, 2023

Contact:  Dean VanDeWiele, 605-773-5294

PIERRE, S.D. – On Monday, April 17, 2023, construction work is scheduled to begin on S.D. Highway 1806 approximately 34 miles southeast of Fort Pierre from mile markers 149 to 138. The initial project consists of erosion repair, pipe work, spot grading, and diversion work. This initial work will be completed prior to asphalt resurfacing.

The contractor plans to start with dirt work to fix ditch erosion as well as to build diversions for pipe replacement. This work will take the contractor approximately four months to complete. Upon completion, the cold milling and paving operations will begin.

Weather permitting, the cold milling is scheduled to begin the first week of August followed by the asphalt blading and paving operations.

During all operations (spot grading, pipe work, cold milling, and asphalt paving) traffic will be carried through the work zones with the use of flaggers and a pilot car and/or traffic signals at the bridges as needed. Motorists can expect up to 15-minute delays during these times.

The contractor anticipates completing paving operations the mid-October. The overall project completion is Nov. 17, 2023. The contractor for this $9.14 million project is Morris, Inc. of Pierre, SD.

Find additional information about this project on the SDDOT website at

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