Department of Transportation Seeks Public Input into the Black Hills Context Sensitive Corridors Study

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, June 24, 2021

Contact:  Steve Gramm, Planning Engineer, 605-773-6641

RAPID CITY, SD -  - The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in collaboration with the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks (SDGF&P), the United States Forest Service (USFS), the United States National Park Service (USNPS), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will hold a virtual public meeting on the website through July 28, 2021, for the following roadway corridors:

  • S.D. 473: From the junction with U.S.14A to its terminal point at Terry Peak.
  • U.S. 14A: From Savoy to the junction with U.S. 85 at Cheyenne Crossing.
  • U.S. 16A: From Custer to the junction with S.D. 36. 
  • U.S. 85: From the Wyoming state line to the junction with U.S. 14A at Cheyenne Crossing.
  • U.S. 85 (E. Main Street- Cliff Street): From junction with Short Street in Lead to the Whitewood Creek bridge in Deadwood.

The purpose for the open house is to inform the public of the improvement options being proposed, to record any concerns the public may have with those ideas, and to gather other ideas to help determine the future look of the corridor. The study will address a full range of transportation options and issues, including pedestrian, bicycle, transit, freight, and automobile. 

Area residents, business owners, and daily commuters are encouraged to participate in this virtual public meeting. The opportunity to present written comments will be provided.  Comments on the virtual public meeting will be accepted until July 28, 2021.

Any individuals with disabilities who will require a reasonable accommodation to access the information on the study website may submit a request to the department’s ADA Coordinator at 605-773-3540 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf). 

Public meeting and additional information is posted on the study website:

For more information, contact Steve Gramm, Planning Engineer, at (605) 773-6641 or by email at

