Department of Transportation Seeks Public Input into the S.D. Highway 34 Reconstruction Project Near Colman

For Immediate Release:  Friday, June 11, 2021
Contact:  Megan Steever, Road Design Engineer, 605-367-4970 ext. 1802144 

COLMAN, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) will hold an online public meeting to inform area residents of the upcoming S.D. Highway 34 Reconstruction Project.  

The construction project includes:  

•  S.D. Highway 34 from the junction with 469 Avenue to the eastside of Colman city limits 

Due to limitations on public gatherings recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, the SDDOT is posting information to the study website rather than presenting documents at an in-person public meeting. We have also found that posting recorded presentations expands public outreach by accommodating a wider range of schedules. Members of the public may submit questions or comments through the SDDOT website or by reaching out to one of the project representatives via email or phone. 

Public meeting information is posted to the SDDOT website:

 The goal of the project is to meet the needs of the growing community by providing safe and accessible bike and pedestrian paths, a center turn lane, updated storm sewer and pipe, lighting for the roadway and pedestrian facilities, and a new concrete surface. 

 Please access the meeting through the SDDOT website to:

• View a presentation about the project 

• Provide comments about the information presented 

• Complete a survey of your experience using S.D. Highway 34 

 The website has information on the project scope, project schedule, and contact information. 

 Any individuals with disabilities who will require a reasonable accommodation to access the information on the study website may submit a request to the department’s ADA Coordinator at 605-773-3540 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf).   

 For more information, contact Megan Steever, Road Design Engineer, at 605-367-4970 ext. 1802144 or by email at

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