For Immediate Release:  Thursday, June 25, 2020
Contact:  Doug Kinniburgh, 605-773-4284


PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded 49 bridge replacement projects totaling approximately $25 million at their meeting today in Pierre.                                                                                           

Award recipients are: Beadle County (7), City of Big Stone City, Bon Homme County (2), Brookings County, Brown County, Butte County (3), City of Carthage, Douglas County, Grant County (2), Hutchinson County (2), Lawrence County, Lincoln County (4), Meade County (2), Miner County, Minnehaha County (2), Moody County, Pennington County (3), Perkins County, City of Rapid City, Spink County (9),  Sully County, and Tripp County (2). 

113 applications, totaling $79.9 million in total project costs, were received by the South Dakota Department of Transportation. Seven cities submitted eight applications and 37 counties submitted 105 applications. 

The projects will require a 18.05 percent local match. During the 2020 Legislative session, approximately $4 million dollars was appropriated to help offset the local match resulting in approximately 5-6% share for the selected local governments.   

For more information regarding the replacement program, contact Doug Kinniburgh at 605-773-4284. 
