High Friction Surface Treatment to be Applied in Rapid City Region

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021
Contact: Kevin Valko, Project Engineer, 605-394-2244


RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says crews will be applying High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) on various routes in the Rapid City Region. The contractor will move from one project to the next in the scheduled following order:  

  1. Sheridan Lake Road – Project location is one mile south of the intersection with Catron Blvd. The project will take place Wednesday, Sept. 8, through Friday, Sept. 10.
  2. Nemo Road – Project location is three-quarters of a mile east of Norris Peak Road. The project will take place Wednesday, Sept. 8, through Friday, Sept. 10.
  3. Boulder Canyon – Project location is on U.S. Highway 14A between Sturgis and Deadwood. The project will take place Monday, Sept. 13, through Wednesday, Sept. 22.
  4. U.S. Highway 14A – Project location is between Lead and Deadwood. The project will take place Thursday, Sept. 23, through Thursday, Sept. 30.
  5. U.S. Highway 14A – Project location is two miles west of Lead. The project will take place Friday, Sept. 24, through Monday, Sept. 27.

Traffic will be reduced to one lane on all two-lane routes and all multi-lane routes will have two-way traffic maintained. Traffic will be guided through the projects with the use of flaggers and motorists can expect slight delays through the work area during daytime hours. Traffic will return to normal driving conditions at the end of each workday.

High Friction Surface Treatment is used on specific stretches of highways to improve safety by applying a skid-resistant surface. According to the Federal Highway Administration, HFST’s are proven to dramatically and immediately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities associated with friction issues.

Truesdell Corporation of Tempe, Arizona, is the prime contractor on the $1.3 million project. The overall completion date for all projects is Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021.

About SDDOT:

The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

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Read more about the innovative work of the SDDOT at https://dot.sd.gov.

