For Immediate Release: Monday, November 9, 2020
Contact: Kristi Sandal, Public Information Officer, 605-773-7179

PRESHO, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation is pleased to announce S.D. Highway 248, four-point-six miles east of the Highway 183/248 junction at Presho near Brakke Dam, is reopened to through traffic effective immediately. 

The prime contractor Bituminous Paving, Inc of Ortonville, Minnesota, along with their sub-contractor Webster Scale, Inc of Webster, completed the repair work on the box culvert under the highway ahead of schedule.  

This work is part of a larger project that will include an asphalt overlay from Vivian to Reliance to be completed by Oct. 29, 2021. 

For complete road construction information, visit https://www.safetravelusa.com/sd/ or dial 511. 

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