For Immediate Release:  Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Contact:  Jeff Hrabanek, Project Engineer, SDDOT Winner Area Office, 605-842-5786


MURDO, S.D. – Zandstra Construction has begun construction on Highway 83 from Murdo south 11.8 miles to just north of the White River.  

The construction project has a 12-foot width advisory, no overweight loads, and no overlength loads allowed from April 1, 2020 to approximately July 31, 2020. 

Roadway activities will primarily be in two work zones controlled by flaggers and a pilot car.  

The Highway 83 road surface will have sections of gravel and/or dirt surfacing due to grading operations. Highway 83 may be closed at times due to adverse weather if the roadway surface is too muddy to safely allow traffic to move through the project limits. 

Motorists are advised to delays, suddenly slowing and stopping traffic, as well as construction workers and equipment adjacent to the roadway. 

For complete road construction information, visit https://www.safetravelusa.com/sd/ or dial 5-1-1. 

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