I-29 Exit 246 Interchange Ramp Closing for Construction

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, June 4, 2020
Contact:  Matt Brey, 605-882-5166 

WATERTOWN, S.D. –The South Dakota Department of Transportation says the contractor reconstructing Interstate 29 will be closing the I-29, Exit 246 interchange on Monday, June 8. 

Crews will be working on the northbound lane through the exit and expect it to be closed for about 14 days (June 22). 

Work on the project includes overlaying the existing pavement and improving bridge decks and guardrails. 

Motorists are asked to be aware of suddenly slowing and merging traffic, reduced speed through the work zone, and construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane. 

The prime contractor on this $17 million project is Reede Construction of Aberdeen. The project is scheduled to be complete by November 2020. 

For complete road construction information, visit https://www.safetravelusa.com/sd/ or dial 511. 

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