I-90 Exit 59 (N LaCrosse Street) Construction Project

For Immediate Release:  Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Contact: Ellen Erickson, HDR Engineering, ellen.erickson@hdrinc.com

RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says the Interstate 90 eastbound on-ramp at Haines Avenue will be closed beginning Monday, Feb. 22, 2021.

This closure is related to upcoming construction activities to add auxiliary lanes to I-90, between Exit 58 (north Haines Avenue) and Exit 59 (N LaCrosse Street) and to widen the N Maple Avenue bridges to accommodate the additional lanes. The contractor expects the Exit 58 eastbound on-ramp to be closed through calendar year 2021. Detour routes will be available.

Traffic on I-90 will also be reduced to one lane in each direction at times to work on the auxiliary lane installation, however two lanes of traffic will be maintained in each direction during morning and afternoon commute periods. Motorists are asked to be aware of workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lanes and be prepared for suddenly slowing traffic.

This is the first phase of a two-year project to add the necessary auxiliary lanes on I-90 and to reconstruct the interchange at Exit 59 (N LaCrosse Street).

The overall completion date of this project is June 2023.

Complete Contracting of Rapid City is the prime contractor on this $17 million project.

Complete road construction information is available for this project at:  http://www.i90lacrosseddi.com/and on https://sd511.oror by dialing 511.
