Intersection Improvement Project Scheduled to Begin at Blunt Junction

For Immediate Release:  Friday, April 14, 2023

Contact:  Dean VanDeWiele, 605-773-5294

BLUNT, S.D. – On Monday, April 17, 2023, the intersection improvement construction project at the Blunt Junction (intersection of U.S. Highway 83 and U.S. Highway 14) is scheduled to begin. This intersection is located four miles west of the town of Blunt.

The project with start with dirt work operations. The contractor will be stripping topsoil and hauling dirt to this location. The traveling public should be aware of construction vehicles entering and exiting the project site.

As the project progresses to the west, the contractor will continue to haul material in the ditch adjacent to the shoulder of the road. The material will be shaped and surfaced to allow for two-way traffic configuration.

Traffic will be switched to this temporary surface as the contractor begins removal of the existing road surfacing in preparation of the new concrete. Upon completion of the new lane and shoulder, traffic will be switched back to use the new pavement. There will be a reduced speed limit to 45 mph while this work is being completed to help protect the traveling public as well as the contractor’s employees through the work zone.

During all operations (grading and paving) traffic will be unimpeded, but drivers should be aware of flaggers who will assist construction traffic to cross the road. Motorists can expect some minor delays during this construction project.

The prime contractor on the $8.67 million project is Sharpe Enterprises, Inc. of Ft. Pierre, SD. The project completion date is Nov. 15, 2023.

Find more information about this project on the SDDOT website at

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