Interstate 29 Scheduled to Close at 6 p.m. (CT) on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022

Contact:  Craig Smith, Director of Operations, 605-773-5155

PIERRE, S.D. – Interstate 29 (both northbound and southbound) will be closed from Sioux Falls (at the I-29/I-90 interchange) to the North Dakota state line at 6 p.m. (CT) on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022.

As released earlier today, at 5 p.m. (CT) on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022, the current closure on Interstate 90 will be extended from Chamberlain to Sioux Falls.

Due to the sustained strong winds causing near zero visibility and drifting snow, SDDOT anticipates that both I-29 and I-90 will remained closed through the night and into Friday, Dec. 23, 2022.

Officials will continually assess conditions to determine when I-90 and I-29 can be reopened safely.

Secondary State Highways:
In addition to the I-90 and I-29 closure, motorists are reminded that many No Travel Advisories and Road Impassable conditions are in place on state highways throughout the state.

Many secondary highways are currently listed as impassable due to high winds, drifting and blowing snow, and low visibility associated with this winter storm system. Motorists should not use secondary roads to avoid Interstate closures.

When listed as Road Impassable, travel on the road segment is physically impossible due to widespread deep snow, drifts, or stranded vehicles. Clearing these secondary roads is expected to be difficult as winds and additional snow are preventing ability to safely and effectively plow or blow the drifted snow, especially with the added issue of stranded vehicles.

Motorists are asked to avoid travel due to the extremely serious weather conditions, and rapidly deteriorating roads. Significantly reduced visibilities and blizzard-like conditions, along with extreme wind chills, make travel very dangerous.

For the latest on road and weather conditions, please visit or dial 511.
