Interstate 90 Reopened from Mitchell to Sioux Falls - Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022

For Immediate Release:  Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022

Contact:  Craig Smith, Director of Operations, 605-773-5155


PIERRE, S.D. – Interstate 90 has been reopened (eastbound and westbound) from Mitchell to Sioux Falls as of 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022.

 I-90 remains closed (eastbound ONLY) from Sioux Falls (exit 402) to the Minnesota state line. This section of I-90 will reopen today when Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) reopens I-90 at the state line.

Travel Conditions:

Due to the extremely cold temperatures and windy conditions, applying chemical and salt are not effective treatment options.

  • Travelers should expect to encounter ice-covered roads and snow-covered shoulders. 
  • Snow removal equipment will be working to remove ice in the driving lanes and snow remaining on shoulders.
  • Please use extra caution and reduce travel speed.

No Travel Advisories continue to impact some state highways in the central and northeast areas of South Dakota.

SD511 Notifications: For the latest on road and weather conditions, please visit or dial 511. Sign up for customized notifications onhttps://sd511.orgfor this free service that allows you to receive text messages and/or email notifications about road closure updates and travel advisories along routes of your choice.

To access all the latest information, please click on the December 2022 Storm Information graphic on the homepage of the SDDOT website at
