Mowing Regulations For The State Right of Way

For immediate release: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Contact: Kristi Sandal, Public Information Officer, 605.773.3265


PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation would like to remind landowners of mowing regulations for the state right of way. 

Administrative Rule 70:04:06:06 states: No mowing of the right of way may begin in the west river counties of Gregory, Lyman or Tripp before June 15 and east of the Missouri River before July 10. All mowing by permit must be completed by Sept. 1 each year. 

In accordance with the administrative rule, abutting landowners on state highways are given preference to mow right-of-way ditches. Other persons wishing to mow must obtain a waiver from the abutting landowner. 

Any person wanting to mow Interstate right-of-way ditches must apply for a permit, with preference being given to abutting landowners. Other persons wishing to mow must also obtain a waiver from the abutting landowner. 

The application/permits needed for mowing the right of way for interstate, state-owned railroad right of way and the abutting landowner waiver are located on the DOT website at

The department may mow medians and areas within the rights of way prior to June 15 to control noxious weeds and provide increased safety to the traveling public 

For questions, please contact the appropriate area engineer, contact information is available here: or call the office of Operations Support at 605.773.3571. 
