Rahn Lake Road Bridge Replacement Work to Start in Tripp County

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday February 10, 2021
Contact: Brad Norrid, Winner Area Engineering Supervisor at 605.842.0810

WINNER, S.D. – The Winner Area office of the South Dakota Department of Transportation announces the bridge replacement on Rahn Lake Road is scheduled to start Feb. 22, 2021.

The Rahn Lake Road bridge is located on 296th Street in Tripp County, which is 2 miles east of South County Road or 4 miles west of U.S. 183.  

Corr Construction Services, Inc. of Hermosa is the prime contractor for the project.

Once the bridge replacement work begins, the road will be closed to all traffic through the scheduled completion date of June 1, 2021.  

For complete road construction information, visit https://sd511.org or dial 511.


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