Railroad Crossing Upgrade Planned in Harrold

For Immediate Release:  Friday, May 14, 2021
Contact:  Dean VanDeWiele, 605-773-5294

PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says a railroad enhancement project is in the works to replace the railroad crossing on Wyman Avenue in Harrold, South Dakota. The Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad (RCP&E) will have a contractor begin work during the week of May 24-28. 

The contractor will begin by closing Wyman Avenue at the railroad tracks and allow traffic ample room to maneuver around the work area on adjacent roads. No traffic will be allowed over the railroad tracks through the work zone during construction. The contractor will replace the existing materials to provide a smooth crossing over the tracks.

The contractor anticipates that the work to upgrade the crossing will take 3-4 days depending on weather conditions. 

For more information, contact Dean VanDeWiele with the South Dakota Department of Transportation at 605-773-5294.

For complete road construction information, visit www.sd511.org or dial 511.


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