S.D. Highway 37P Temporary Road Closure to Begin Next Week Near Springfield

For Immediate Release: Thursday, May 20, 2021

Contact: Rodney Gall, Gregory Rothschadl, or Kevin Heiman, 605-668-2929


SPRINGFIELD, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says S.D. Highway 37P (Walnut Street) into Springfield, between 14th Avenue and the Junction of S.D. Highway 37, will be closed beginning Monday, May 24, 2021.

S.D. Highway 37 will be closed to thru traffic with drivers being directed to the detour on S.D. Highway 37, 414th Avenue, and Wood Street to access the city of Springfield. Access to businesses, residences, and adjacent property will be maintained for local traffic. Cross-traffic will be maintained as possible for the duration of the project.

Work on the project involves the replacement of an existing box culvert, reconstruction of the roadway grade, roadway lighting, interim surfacing, and signing.

Midwest Contracting, LLC of Marshall, MN is the prime contractor on the $12.7 million project. The completion date for this project is Aug. 15, 2021.

For complete road construction information, visit https://sd511.org or dial 511.

