S.D. Highway 50 Reconstruction East of Vermillion to Resume

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Contact: Rodney Gall, Gregory Rothschadl, or Joseph Sestak,605-668-2929

 VERMILLION, S.D. – During the week of April 26, 2021, the South Dakota Department of Transportation will resume work on S.D. Highway 50 from Interstate 29 to Vermillion. 

 The $11 million project, which reconstructed the westbound lanes of Highway 50 and provided some work on the eastbound lanes, is nearly complete.

 The scheduled work includes concrete sealing and pavement markings.

 Traffic will be maintained in one lane for westbound traffic while work is completed in the alternate lane during construction. Slower traffic and short delays can be expected as well as reduced speed zones.

 The prime contractor is Reede Construction, Inc. of Aberdeen.

 The overall completion date for this project is June 5, 2021.

 For complete road construction information, visit https://www.sd511.org or dial 511.
