SDDOT Provides I-90 and I-29 Interstate Closure and Reopening Updates (Update #1 - Dec. 14, 2022)

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022

Contact:  Craig Smith, Director of Operations, 605-773-5155


PIERRE, S.D. – Due to the continued impact of the strong winter storm system moving through the state, the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) anticipates additional closures on Interstate 90 and Interstate 29.

Substantial snow totals and sustained high winds are causing low visibility and snow/ice covered roads across the state making travel difficult to impossible.

I-90 Reopening and Closure Updates: 
I-90 has been closed (westbound and eastbound) from Chamberlain to the Wyoming state line.

As of 12 p.m. (MT) / 1 p.m. (CT) on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022, Interstate 90 from Rapid City to the Wyoming state line has been reopened. Travelers should expect to encounter slippery road conditions with continued areas of blowing snow. Snow removal equipment will be working. Please use extra caution when approaching snow removal equipment.   

Assessment of conditions and forecasts is ongoing.  At this point, the I-90 closure from Rapid City to Chamberlain is expected to remain in place through the overnight.

 SDDOT anticipates closing I-90 from Chamberlain to Mitchell late afternoon or early evening on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. The combination of newly developing snow and sustained winds will make I-90 impassable during the evening and overnight hours.

Truck parking is full in Chamberlain. SDDOT and Department of Public Safety (DPS) ask that semi drivers consider long-term parking options between Sioux Falls and Mitchell areas east of the closure.

Update for I-29: 
SDDOT anticipates closing I-29 (both northbound and southbound) from the city of Watertown to the North Dakota border late afternoon or early evening on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. The combination of newly developing snow and sustained winds will make I-29 impassable during the evening and overnight hours.

Road Conditions Across the State:
Accumulating snow and strong winds will continue to make secondary highways impassable over an extended period of time with many state highways posting No Travel Advised. Many vehicles have become stuck and stranded in an attempt to travel on these state highways to avoid Interstate closures. These vehicles will create hazards for snowplow operators and may delay getting the sections of highway cleared.

Please avoid travel. Safety on the roadways, for plow operators and the traveling public, is the number one priority for both DOT and DPS. Please use available resources for travel planning over the next few days.

For the latest on road and weather conditions, please visit or dial 511.


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