SDDOT Receives Rural Surface Transportation Grant for U.S. Highway 385 Safety Improvement Project in Pennington County

For Immediate Release:  Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023

Contact:  Julie Stevenson, Strategic Communications Coordinator, 605-773-2898

PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) will receive approximately $67 million from FY2023-2024 Rural Surface Transportation Grant funds for highway safety improvements on the U.S. Highway 385 reconstruction project in Pennington County.

The project will construct approximately 15 miles of highway safety improvements on Highway 385 in Pennington County, from Sheridan Lake to the Pennington/Lawrence County Line. Improvements include widening shoulders to eight feet, improving recovery area, flattening curves, replacing four major drainage structures, installing two grade separated trail crossings, replacing and extending drainage pipes, and surfacing of the roadway.

“This Rural Grant provides funding for a key SDDOT safety initiative on a vital state highway utilized by local commuters as well as thousands of visitors exploring the Black Hills,” said Joel Jundt, SDDOT Transportation Secretary. “Highway 385 is the principal north/south route through the Black Hills, and this project will enhance safety and access to a variety of recreation sites for South Dakotans and visitors in the Black Hills National Forest, National Park Service Monuments or National Parks, and South Dakota State Park sites.”

Rural Grant applications were evaluated based on multiple criteria, including project readiness, cost-effectiveness, and whether the project supported critical goals like enhancing safety, increasing mobility and reliability, improving resiliency, and restoring infrastructure to a state of good repair.  

About SDDOT:

The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

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About the Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program:

For a complete list of the FY2023-2024 Rural Grant awards, please view
