South Dakota Department of Transportation Receives STC Funding for Key Rail Service Projects

For Immediate Release:  Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022

Contact:  Julie Stevenson, Strategic Communications Coordinator, 605-773-2898       

PIERRE, S.D. – On Dec. 1, 2021, the U. S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on the availability of Special Transportation Circumstance (STC) program funding. This notice made funding available for eligible projects through the Consolidated Appropriations Acts of 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. The FRA recently announced that $4 million was granted for three projects in two states under the Fiscal Year 2021 Special Transportation Circumstances (STC) program.

“The South Dakota Department of Transportation had two proposed projects selected for STC program funding,” said Secretary Joel Jundt. “The selected projects are key to providing economic growth and increasing safety and efficiency for rail services across South Dakota and we appreciate Congress’ continued support in funding this important federal program.”

Ringneck & Western Efficiency and Growth Project (funding up to $1,799,009)
The proposed project will improve the economic growth, safety, resiliency, and efficiency of the Ringneck & Western Railroad (RWRR) located just east of Plankinton, SD. The project includes construction, materials, and support services necessary to construct two 1,500-foot transload tracks to transport lumber and aggregate; and construct a 558-foot industrial lead track and a concrete maintenance pit in an existing locomotive maintenance building. Ancillary project work would include a loadout spur, six turnouts, and a roadway for vehicular and transloading equipment access. The project will improve locomotive maintenance and provide an area to transload goods from rail to truck, improving efficiency for the products being moved and the area’s economy. The RWRR will provide a 40 percent match.

RCP&E Increasing Rail Resilience Project (funding up to $800,000)
The proposed projects will improve safety along the Rapid City, Pierre, & Eastern Railroad (RCP&E) Pierre-Rapid City (PRC) Subdivision by upgrading and installing eight culvert structures between Fort Pierre and Rapid City, South Dakota. The PRC Subdivision is a 163-mile-long single-track main line between these two cities. With completion of the project, the new structures will better withstand future flows from the storm water basins at their location. This in turn will improve the resilience of the PRC Subdivision and service reliability for all customers along the line. The RCP&E will provide a 20 percent match for this project.

 About STC Funds:
The purpose of the FY21 STC is to provide directed grant funding to states that lack intercity passenger rail service or those in which the rail transportation system is not connected to the rail system in the continental United States. Federal funds awarded to projects may cover up to 80 percent of the total project cost. Click here for more information. The STC funds are directed grant funds from sums appropriated to the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program.

About SDDOT:
The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.  Read more about the innovative work of the SDDOT at
