Striping Project on U.S. Highway 85 Continues Through Belle Fourche

For Immediate Release: 
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Contact: Les Hermann, Engineering Supervisor, 605-641-8149


BELLE FOURCHE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says crews have begun to work on a project taking place on U.S. Highway 85 through Belle Fourche from S.D. Highway 34 to U.S. Highway 212.

Traffic on U.S. Highway 85 will be controlled through the use of lane closures. Motorists are asked to slow down in the work zone and be prepared for sudden slowing and stopped traffic as well as construction workers and equipment adjacent to the open lanes.

Work on the project includes the removal of existing traffic marking tape and paint and installing new traffic marking tape.

The prime contractor on the $337,698 project is Traffic Services Company, LLC from Rapid City.


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