Gettysburg - U.S. Highway 212
Project Complete
Project Summary:
Work on the project will include grading, storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalk, lighting, box culvert replacement, and PCC pavement. The work will be completed in seven phases and will take the contractor two construction seasons to complete.
Project Timeline:
Contract Completion Date: 10/28/2022
Project Updates:
*For weekly updates, please click on the expandable lists with the month names below to learn more.
April 6, 2022
Construction resumed today on Phase 7 (Mannston St. to west of Elm St.). The remaining length will be split into Phase 7 and Phase 8 (west of Elm St. to west project limits near the DOT maintenance yard).
For the remainder of the project, two-way traffic will be maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
Temporary traffic control was installed for a work zone in the south half of the highway and two-way traffic is in the north half of the existing highway. Mannston St. is open to traffic with the following restrictions.
- No trucks allowed to turn from westbound on US 212 to northbound on Mannston
- No trucks allowed to turn from southbound on Mannston to westbound on US 212.
This week the Contractor will complete removals in the south half of the existing highway and install a temporary lane behind the curb on the north side for future use. Next week storm drain work will begin if weather allows.
April 13, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
Currently in Phase 7 two-way traffic is in the north half of the existing highway. Mannston St. is open to traffic with the following restrictions.
- No trucks allowed to turn from westbound on US 212 to northbound on Mannston
- No trucks allowed to turn from southbound on Mannston to westbound on US 212.
This week storm drain pipe and structures will be delivered to the project. Work will be limited due to unfavorable weather. Next week storm drain work will begin.
Please be aware of construction workers and equipment in the work zone.
April 20, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
Currently in Phase 7 two-way traffic is in the north half of the existing highway. Mannston St. is open to traffic with the following restrictions.
- No trucks are allowed to turn from westbound on US 212 to northbound on Mannston
- No trucks are allowed to turn from southbound on Mannston to westbound on US 212.
This week storm drain pipe and structures were installed from Mannston St. to Bryson St. on the south side of the highway. Storm Drain work will continue next week.
April 27, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
Currently in Phase 7 two-way traffic is in the north half of the existing highway. Mannston St. is open to traffic with the following restrictions.
- No trucks allowed to turn from westbound on US 212 to northbound on Mannston
- No trucks allowed to turn from southbound on Mannston to westbound on US 212.
This week storm drain pipe and structures should be installed from Mannston St. to the west limits of the pavement removal on the south side of the highway.
Next week two-way traffic will be shifted to the north within the US212 highway right-of-way. The eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. The 10’ width restriction will remain in place.
Mannston St. will be open to traffic with the following restrictions.
- No trucks allowed to turn from westbound on US 212 to northbound on Mannston
- No trucks allowed to turn from southbound on Mannston to westbound on US 212.
The traffic control change is anticipated to occur on Monday, May 9th, but may be rescheduled due to scheduling and/or weather.
Work Completed in May 2022: (From Mannston Street west) A 10’ width restriction is in effect as traffic was shifted to two-way in the westbound lanes with westbound traffic on millings north of the north curb. Mannston Street at US212 is closed to traffic to limitations of construction in the intersection and accommodating turning movements off of Mannston Street.
Storm sewer and sanitary services have been installed from Mannston Street west through Bryson Street. Grading, geotextile fabric, and base have been placed for Phases 7A & 7B. (the eastbound 14’ lane and center turn lane).
May 18, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
On the east end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration 4 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. Mannston St. at highway US212 is closed to traffic. This week dirt grading was completed for the first section of highway to be paved. Next week gravel work will continue to prepare for concrete paving.
On the west end of the project, next week traffic will be shifted to the north one-half of the highway. Two-way traffic will be maintained on the existing asphalt pavement. Then asphalt will be removed on the south one-half of the highway to create a work zone so storm drain work can begin.
May 11, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
The eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration 5 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. Mannston St. at highway US212 is closed to traffic.
This week dirt grading and placing gravel began to prepare for concrete paving. The dirt grading and gravel work will continue next week.
May 4, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
Currently in Phase 7 two-way traffic is in the north half of the existing highway. Mannston St. is open to traffic with the following restrictions.
- No trucks allowed to turn from westbound on US 212 to northbound on Mannston
- No trucks allowed to turn from southbound on Mannston to westbound on US 212.
This week storm drain pipe and structures were installed from Mannston St. to the west limits of the pavement removal on the south side of the highway.
Next week on Monday, May 9th, two-way traffic will be shifted to the north within the US212 highway right-of-way. The eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration for 6 weeks but could be longer depending on weather. The 10’ width restriction will remain in place. Mannston St. at highway US212 will be closed to traffic. Expect short delays as a flagging and pilot car operation will be used for the traffic control change.
Next week asphalt patching and pavement removal is scheduled for Tuesday. Expect short delays as a flagging and pilot car operation will be used for the day. Following that will be the continuation of the storm drain work and the start of grading.
June 29, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
On the east end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration 2 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. Mannston St. at highway US212 is closed to traffic. Last week concrete pours were completed on the south side intersecting streets, driveways, and sidewalk. Next week sidewalk and driveways will be completed on the south side.
On the west end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration 2 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. This week on Monday mainline concrete paving was completed for the eastbound lane and center turn lane. Later this week curb and gutter will be poured. Next week driveways and grading behind the curb will be completed.
What to expect through July:
Two-way traffic will be maintained in the current configuration until the south side work (sidewalk, driveways, grading) is completed for the length of the project. This is anticipated to be 2 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. Once the south side is completed, two-way traffic will be moved to the new concrete pavement and work will then be completed on the westbound lane (north side).
June 15, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
On the east end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration for four more weeks but could be longer depending on the weather. Mannston St. at highway US212 is closed to traffic. Last week on Friday mainline concrete paving was completed for the eastbound and center turn lanes. This week concrete pours will be completed on intersecting streets, and curb & gutter will be completed. Next week grading behind the curb and gutter will be completed to prepare for sidewalk installation.
On the west end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration for four more weeks but could be longer depending on the weather. This week the Contractor is working on the storm drain, subgrade, and placing base course. Next week subgrade and base course work will continue, and the plan is to have the base course completed for concrete paving the following week.
What to expect through July:
Two-way traffic will be maintained in the current configuration until mainline paving of the eastbound lane and center turn lane is completed for the length of the project. This is anticipated to be 4 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. Once the eastbound lane and center turn lane are completed, two-way traffic will be moved to the new concrete pavement and work will be completed on the west bound lane.
June 8, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
On the east end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration 2 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. Mannston St. at highway US212 is closed to traffic. This week base course was completed for the first section of highway to be paved. This week on Friday mainline concrete paving for the eastbound lane and center turn lane is scheduled. Next week concrete will be placed for the curb and gutter and intersecting roads.
On the west end of the project, the eastbound lane will remain on the existing asphalt pavement and the westbound lane will be behind the existing curb and gutter on a temporary lane constructed out of asphalt millings. It’s anticipated that traffic will be in this configuration 4 more weeks but could be longer depending on weather. This week removals were completed and excavation continues. Next week excavation will continue and subgrade will be prepared for base course.
Anticipated work to be completed in June 2022: Contractor schedule shows removing pavement and continuing incidental work, grading, storm sewer, geotextile fabric and base in 8A & 8B (from west of Bryson St to the west end of the project. Trimming and paving of 7A&7B (Mannston to west of Bryson) is anticipated along with sidewalks, entrances, curb and gutter, lighting, and erosion control.
July 20, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained on the new concrete surfacing on US212 with a 10’ width restriction in place. Mannston St. at highway US212 will remain closed to traffic.
This week work started on the west bound lane (north side) and included asphalt removal and removal of curb & gutter.
Next week work will continue on the west bound lane (north side) and will include installation of new storm drain and sanitary sewer, and grading.
July 13, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained within the US212 highway right-of-way with a 10’ width restriction in place.
The Contractor will complete asphalt paving tie-ins on local streets this week. On Friday July 15th two-way traffic will be moved onto the new concrete surfacing. Mannston St. at highway US212 will remain closed to traffic.
Next week work will begin on the west bound lane (north side) and will include asphalt removal, removal of curb & gutter, grading, and installation of new storm drain.
August 24, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained on the new concrete surfacing on US212 with a 10’ width restriction in place. Mannston St. at highway US212 will remain closed to traffic.
This week base course work was completed for the remaining west bound lane (north side). Surveying for paving, seeding, and erosion control installation were also completed.
Next week work will continue on the west bound lane (north side) to prepare for paving and additional erosion controls will be installed.
August 3, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained on the new concrete surfacing on US212 with a 10’ width restriction in place. Mannston St. at highway US212 will remain closed to traffic.
This week work will continue on the west bound lane (north side) and will include installation of new storm drain and sanitary sewer, and grading. Sanitary sewer work should be finished this week.
Next week work will continue on the west bound lane (north side) and will include installation of new storm drain and grading.
September 14, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained on the new concrete surfacing on US212 with a 10’ width restriction in place. Mannston St. at highway US212 will remain closed to traffic.
This week curb and gutter was completed on the west bound lane (north side) and work began on approaches.
Next week work will continue on the west bound lane (north side) approaches, with grading behind the curb for sidewalk. Work will also include lighting installation and concrete paving of the drainage channel on the south side along Mannston St.
September 9, 2022
Two-way traffic is maintained on the new concrete surfacing on US212 with a 10’ width restriction in place. Mannston St. at highway US212 will remain closed to traffic.
This week mainline concrete paving was completed for the remaining west bound lane (north side). All mainline paving has been completed for the project.
Next week work will continue on the west bound lane (north side) including curb and gutter, and approach road paving.
Project Press Releases:
Project Photos:
September 14:
September 12:
August 24:
July 15: Traffic is now on the new concrete pavement.
June 29:
June 8:
May 18:
May 11, 2022:
April 27, 2022:
April 20, 2022:


Project Contract Amount:
$13.7 MillionProject Contacts:
Contractor: Reede Construction Inc.
SDDOT: Chad Howard 605-773-5587
PCN: 039L
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Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Modern Logic
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© 2025 State of South Dakota. All Rights Reserved.
Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Modern Logic