U.S. Highway 81 - North of Yankton

Project Summary:

This project consists of extending a four-lane divided highway north of Yankton on U.S. Highway 81.

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Project Timeline:

Nov. 2023 - Spring 2025

Overwidth Detour Map:


Click on the map to enlarge


Project Updates: 

Dec. 20, 2024:

December Completed Work: Lighting has been installed at the main intersections throughout the project, traffic control for the winter has been installed, and project cleanup continues. 

Traffic is directed through the project in their designated lanes by use of traffic control devices. One lane of travel is being maintained in both directions. The speed limit is reduced to 45 mph through the work zone on interim blotter or gravel surface. Travelers will need to drive with caution as the roadway is rough.

Anticipated work in Spring: All remaining erosion control items will be completed along with the remaining project cleanup. After this, the surfacing project will begin. 


April 19, 2024:


Project Photos:


Project Contract Amount:

$16.7 Million


Project Contacts:

Loiseau Construction, Flandreau, S.D.
Luke Groos, Project Superintendent

SDDOT Project Engineer:
Sam Caba  605-668-2929 x 1302011


PCN 04G5