Rural Transit

FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) SECTION 5311 PROGRAM authorizes capital, administrative, operating assistance and training grants to state agencies, local governments, Indian tribes, and nonprofit organizations providing rural public transportation services. All projects must benefit residents in non-urbanized areas (under 50,000 population) of South Dakota. Section 5311 provides up to 80% federal share of the costs for administrative expenses, up to 80% for capital costs and up to 50% of the net operating deficit for rural transit operations.

Coordinated community transit systems serving both the rural public and human service agencies are preferred applicants for Section 5311 grants.

Eligible Subgrantees:
  • State Agencies
  • Local Governments
  • Indian Tribes
  • Operators of Public Transportation Services
  • Private Nonprofit Corporations
The Rural Technical Assistance Program (RTAP) available under Section 5311 provides grants for training at 100% federal share. Eligible subgrantees for RTAP training grants are administrative and operating personnel providing rural transit services areas of South Dakota.

FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) SECTION 5339 PROGRAM FOR BUSES AND BUS FACILITIES PROGRAM makes Federal resources available to States and designated recipients to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities including technological changes or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities. Funding is provided through formula allocations and competitive grants. The Federal share is not to exceed 80 percent of the net project cost.

Eligible Subgrantees:
  • State Agencies
  • Local Governments
  • Indian Tribes
  • Operators of Public Transportation Services
  • Private Nonprofit Corporations
Public Transit Provider Map of the Service Areas →

For all grant application forms contact:
Jess Marlow
Transit Office Supervisor