Specialized Transit

FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA)SECTION 5310 PROGRAM authorizes capital grants to private nonprofit organizations to assist in providing transportation for the elderly and/or persons with disabilities. Provides up to 80% of all costs for equipment, with the 20% match coming from other than federal funds.

Coordinated community transit systems can obtain these vehicles to serve a wide range of agencies serving elderly and/or disabled clients.

Eligible Sub-grantees

  • Nonprofit corporations serving elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Public bodies approved by SDDOT to coordinate transportation services for elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Public bodies which certify to the Governor that no nonprofit organizations are readily available to provide transportation services for elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Sub-grantee must be part of a coordinated Public Transit - Human Services transportation plan

Grant application information, forms and timetables can be obtained by contacting:
Terri Geigle
Transportation Specialist – 5311/5310/Charter/Coordination Plan